Day 10 - Let the Games Begin
The lead coder at the game, JD Smith, should easily gain and hold the title of Savior of the Confused, Guru of the Clueless, and White Knight of the Utterly Lost. I made a comment to him this morning that I'd like to set up a few subdomains on our server to support the affiliate marketing efforts, learn how to do up some email list generators and autoresponders. He dropped everything and, within a matter of a couple of hours, had set up everything I could possibly hope for.. and explained to me how to use them.
I'm glowing with happy thoughts. Now all I have to do is reach into the server and make all this happen for real. I have my work cut out for me, that's for sure. I spend a few minutes revisiting some of the key topics in my prized affiliate marketing guide from Project X, then wrap up a few more game concerns before it's time for NCIS.